Step, Collect, Connect!

We help organize plalking events to remove plastic and other waste from our Winnipeg ecosystems. Plalking, a combination of walking and picking up litter, offers a low barrier to entry for everyone to care for their environment and develop a deeper connection with it. Join this community to pitch in or organize clean-up events using this online platform, for free!

Become an Organizer

Why Plalk?

Clean the Environment

By actively participating in these hands-on activities, you can have a tangible impact on the environment by reducing the harm caused by plastic pollution.

Promote Physical Well-Being

These cleanup activities provide the opportunity for physical exercise, such as walking, squatting, stretching and bending, which promotes overall well-being.

Foster Human Connections

By encouraging Winnipeg community members to participate in real-life interactions via cleanup sessions, the hope is to reduce isolation, improve mental health, and enhance the overall quality of life.

Raise Awareness

Through these cleanup initiatives, you see first-hand the problem of plastic pollution and learn about environmental sustainability. Our goal is to inspire others to adopt eco-friendly habits which can create a ripple effect of positive change towards a cleaner planet.

Desired Impact

Waste Cleanup as a Catalyst

We envision a world where waste cleanup efforts lead to a broader understanding of environmental challenges and their interconnectedness. Individuals involved in cleanup activities gain firsthand experience of the detrimental effects of waste on ecosystems and recognize the need for sustainable practices. This heightened consciousness drives behavior change, inspiring individuals to adopt eco-friendly habits and actively seek solutions to environmental problems.

Our Mission & Vision
Balmoral Street Fall Cleanup

Join an Event

Young man and woman smiling while plalking at one of our current events

3 Steps to Join a Plalking Event

Sign Up: Click the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner of our website. This enables you to join events.

Check Upcoming Events: Visit our ‘Upcoming Events’ page. You’ll find the clean-up opportunities there. Pick one that interests you, even if it’s not in your neighbourhood.

Join an Event: Once you’ve found an event you like, click “View Event.” On the event page, you’ll spot a blue “Join Event” button. Click it, and you’re in!

Sign Up Now

Be an Organizer

3 Steps to Become a Plalking Organizer

We’re on the lookout for volunteer community organizers from different neighbourhoods, and we’d love to have you onboard.

Here’s how it works:

Apply to Be an Organizer: To become an organizer, fill out our application form by clicking the button below. It’s quick and easy.

Video Call: After you fill out the form, we’ll set up a video call to get to know each other and show you around the platform.

Training and Support: We provide training to help you create and manage events successfully on the platform.

Want to rally people to clean up your neighbourhood? Apply to be an organizer, and let’s chat soon!

Fill the Application
Man plalking in a park
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